Monday, January 17, 2011

Wasteful Battery on Nexian Journey (Android)

If you users nexian journey android one of the major constraints is the problem of wasteful battery. There are several ways to save on battery usage on nexian journey

Mobile Network Data Enabled (OFF)
Use GPS Satellites OFF
Bluetooth OFF
Network Mode WCDMA GSM Auto (atau GSM Only)
Brightness less than 50%
wallpaper offline mode
Performance setting in CML are set On-demand or Economic

On Demand and Economic Differences:

If On Demand processor will automatically increase the speed if required (eg run a specific program) and will automatically come down to the lowest speed if no program-run / is idle (19.2 not like writing CMLMod 120Mhz)

If Economic almost the same as on demand, the difference between the highest processor speed only a maximum of 320Mhz

when it all but still want to run more efficient, in fact there is one thing which does can do is auto power off before we can use sleep aplication TimingOff aplication (can be taken for free at the Market), there schedulenya android every hour how we will die (usually at 12 am )

1 comment:

Adi Riswan said...

Great tips.. for those who wants to try Android in Virtualbox, please read this article :